
Management works best when you have good data flows on which to base your decisions and tactics.

IWAS provides real-time data flows which can be displayed in a variety of ways, and can handle any and all production data, and control things.

It has extensive alerting capabilities, enabling you to deploy staff promptly to deal with problems.

It's also explicitly designed to keep functioning regardless of any problems that occur in the rest of your IT systems. Technical information is here.


Use alerts for routine things too, to avoid human error. IWAS never gets bored.

Explore our Demonstration Live System

Then imagine the operational benefits for you and your organisation. Your assistant can easily create and send an access request. Details are here.

We also have active examples of hybrid systems that your technical staff can explore. Information is here.

Learn from the 2017 Maersk Malware Disaster

USD 300 million estimated cost, and "within 7 minutes most of the damage was done".

We imagine you'd want to have a specific strategy to help avoid that sort of thing. More here.

Briefly SCADA

SCADA is a common acronym for the technologies that monitor and control your production processes.

It stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. And Indo™ is our abbreviation for Industrial Objects.