Principles and Benefits

We do like visiting sites to see the situation first-hand and how our systems are performing, and possibly to do some upgrading or problem solving.

But in this era the environmental costs and COVID risks outweigh the benefits to both you and us. So we minimise the travel of both people and system components.

You benefit from faster service and lower costs.

Hardware either comes from your usual supplier or gets shipped to you directly from our supplier, and your local technical experts position it and connect it. We then remotely install software and get the system running.

Another benefit to you is that your locals build up expertise concerning the systems, and thus may be able to fix some problems themselves.

Benefits and Advantages of IOPEN Systems

IOPEN can remotely install operating systems on 'bare' computers wherever there's at least a moderately fast Internet connection.

For over 20 years we've been routinely safely remotely installing and upgrading software, and solving problems.

We can also remotely diagnose, and often fix, storage-device problems. Even when the machine won't boot from such a device.

Costs and Disadvantages of Other Systems

Other suppliers typically can't remotely bring up a system from 'bare' computers.

IT system downtime is very expensive for your business, but many others make you wait for their people to arrive. Which results in avoidable costs to both you and the environment.

Others also typically can't remotely diagnose or fix computers whose boot-storage-device has developed a problem.